Consumer Report
Product Line:
Lot No:
Product testing performed by:
Silliker JR Laboratories, Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc.
NutraVege +D GFT 200ml
Expiration Date:
October 07, 2024
Lot Test Results:
Passes all tests. Product exceeds standards for quality and purity.
Nature’s Way Canada Ltd.
Our industry-leading quality is achieved using advanced purification techniques, research-verified natural antioxidants, nitrogen-purged bottling process, and strict GMP procedures. Every lot is sent to an independent laboratory for third-party verification where the product is benchmarked against the industry’s most stringent guidelines for potency and purity. Note that as per GOED (Global Organization for EPA and DHA) and industry standards, our testing on environmental contaminants is done on a periodic testing basis. Third-party potency and purity test results for your product lot are presented below.
Label Claim Test
EPA + DHA Label Claim:
500 mg
EPA + DHA Test Result*:
548 mg
Consumers, investing in their health by taking nutritional supplements, want to know that the supplements they are taking are effective and contain the beneficial ingredients as stated on the packaging.
* Results for fatty acid analysis are subject to +/- 5% variation due to differences between testing methods, labs and instruments.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 Label Claim:
1000.0 IU
Vitamin D3 Test Result*:
1385.0 IU
Vitamin D3 is an important pro-hormone responsible for many regulatory functions in the body including bone mineralization,immune function and gene expression. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is the best form of vitamin D that is easily absorbed by the body.*Based on input calculation.
* Based on input calculation.
Oxidation Test
GOED Maximum allowable limit:
10.0 meq/kg
Test result:
2.8 meq/kg
The first compounds formed by the oxidation of an oil are hydroperoxides. These peroxides may catalyze greater oxidation, or decompose and react further - giving rise to a rancid taste.
GOED Maximum allowable limit:
Test Result:
The p-anisidine values are used to measure secondary oxidation or the level of aldehyde production during the processing of oils. Anisidine values reflect how an oil has been handled and stored, where peroxide value measures current oxidation.
GOED Maximum allowable limit:
Test result:
Fish and plant oils begin to oxidize as soon as they are exposed to oxygen, metals, light, and heat. At late stages, oxidation will make the oils smell rancid. In early stages, regardless of the lack of aroma, high levels of oxidation are still harmful.
Heavy Metals
GOED Maximum allowable limit:
< 0.05 mg/kg
Test result:
< 0.01 mg/kg
Lead is a heavy metal used extensively in mining, battery production, ceramics and stained glass. Lead is known to cause neurological problems, cognitive impairments, changes in blood chemistry, cellular weakness, and disrupts enzymatic functions in humans.
GOED Maximum allowable limit:
< .1 mg/kg
Test result:
< 0.001 mg/kg
Cadmium is used for industrial processing, batteries, and other synthetics. It is also produced through the burning of fossil fuels and municipal waste. Cadmium is a known carcinogen, linked to many forms of cancer in humans. Cadmium is also known to affect the human renal, cardiopulmonary, and skeletal systems.
GOED Maximum allowable limit:
< 0.10 mg/kg
Test result:
< 0.005 mg/kg
Mercury has been used to make products ranging from skin creams to dental fillings to electricity (coal burning releases mercury). Mercury can cause permanent damage to the brain and central nervous system, and affect other organs in humans.
Inorganic Arsenic
GOED Maximum allowable limit:
< 0.10 mg/kg
Test result:
< 0.01 mg/kg
Arsenic is highly mobile in the environment and not naturally removed or detoxified. Arsenic is used for smelting and mining and in pesticides. Considered carcinogenic, it impacts the nervous and gastrointestinal systems and the skin in humans.